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If you would like to support us but can’t care for a cat yourself, you can help sponsor Care for Life.

Our unique foster programme provides an extra chance at life for elderly cats and cats with long-term health issues. It allows us to pay all medical bills associated with each foster cat’s condition, to make it easier for them to get homes.

We have more than 60 cats in foster care in the Wellington area, such as Dominic, pictured. 

The Care for Life programme is made possible through generous donations from our supporters. For $10/month, we send sponsors regular newsletters which include:

  • Stories and pictures of foster cats in their new homes
  • Updates on our long-term resident Jeremy
  • News and information about the Care for Life programme
  • Pictures of shelter cats who are available for fostering.

If you’d like to become a Care for Life sponsor with a regular payment, please download the form attached below, complete it and email to 


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