Billie -- A real beauty
5-10 years
5 years | Female | Nervous | Smoochy | Affectionate
Billie was surrendered to us as her home life was highly stressful for her. Billie was living with young children who would make her feel on edge and was also being picked on by bully cats in the neighbourhood so there was no rest for the poor girl.
Billie is a smoochy but nervous wee nelly. In her previous home, she was very stressed and began to pee in the house despite the old owner's attempts to make her more relaxed. Billie would be best suited to a home with no children and no other pets. She likes being scratched around her head and down her back, and prefers to chill out next to you, rather than on you.
Billie likes access in and out of the house and would ideally be located in a safe and quiet neighbourhood as she is not used to busy roads. Billie occasionally hunts mice and very rarely the odd bird.